Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year! With the new year brings new goals and resolutions. I already have a lifetime bucket list, but I also want to set of my goals/resolution for 2009. I ran my first full marathon in the Grand Rapids this past fall and also rode my first 50 mile bike ride in the Apple Cider Century bike ride so those were two big accomplishments for 2008! 2009 New Years Resolutions:

~This year I plan to bike my first 100 miles in the Apple Cider Century bike ride this fall.

~I'm signed to run in the Indy 500 half marathon. I ran it last year in 1:38 so this year I'd like to beat that time and run it in 1:35 but either way I will be happy beating it by even a second.

~Compete in my first triathlon mid-summer

~Complete my Sport Performance Nutrition class through ISSA(Just got my book a few weeks ago)

~Compete in my first figure competition ????? Still up in the air

~Spend more quality time with my husband and girls

~Go camping

~Finish reading "You being Beautiful" by Dc. Oz

~Get caught up on my daughter's baby book and get pictures organized and in photo albums

~Read the Bible more

1 comment:

Simple Daisy said...

They all sound great!! Can't wait for the century!! It will be soooo fun!!! Maybe i'll join you in a swim across the lake this summer too!!! Here's to 2009~