Monday, October 13, 2008

Another great reason to eat your Banana!!!

More than a Banana a Day! Make sure you're getting enough of this muscle-helping mineral. Not up to your usual routine? Feeling Fatigued? Maybe you're not getting enough potassium. An essential dietary mineral and electrolyte, potassium is necessary for proper nerve, brain and muscle function. Although it's often asymptomatic, signs of low potassium include lethargy, decreased muscle strength, muscle spasms or pain, decreased tendon reflexes, constipation and fluid retention. If you're low on potassium, maybe you can't do as many reps or last as long on your cardio, or you feel weak and more fatigued.

The most common cause is poor diet, although excessive use of diuretics and laxatives, severe or chronic diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration and eating disorders often trigger hypokalemia as well. Don't get stuck behind the eight ball when it comes to getting enough of this nutrient. To meet the recommened daily allowance of 4,700 mg per day, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. See below for a few potassium all stars that you should incorporate in your diet:

Baked potato with skin~794 mg
Baked sweet potato~694 mg
1/4 cup tomato paste~664 mg
1/2 cup cooked beet greens~654 mg
1/2 cup canned white beans~595 mg
Other great choices are yogurt, legumes, spinach, fruit juices, fish & don't forget the banana!!!

1 comment:

Simple Daisy said...

hi there..
i've been eating my banana everyday!!! maybe it's helping!! I've been making really good times with my running & ran my fastest on my route yesterday!! nowhere near as fast as you..but hey!!!