Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our 1st and probably last marathon! It was an experience of a life time that's for sure! We ran the marathon in Grand Rapids, MI. It was a beautiful course and we had perfect weather for the run. There were only a few hills at the beginning of the run and the rest was pretty flat thank goodness! I'm so proud of my husband because I thought we'd run together for the 1st 5 or 10 miles and we ended up running the whole entire run together and I don't know if I could have done it with out him. He is the most determined person I know. When he sets his mind to something he does it!!! Another thing that got me through the run was my grandpa that died a year ago. I ran this run for him and he was who was on my mind the entire race. The hardest part was the last 5 miles, and I really felt like he was there with me pushing me through the pain. Jeff and I felt really good other than our left knees. Both of our knees locked up and got really tight around 18 miles and it took everything we had not too stop, but we did it without stopping. We ran it in 3 hours 51 minutes beating our goal of 4 hours. The last 1/4 mile we held hands to the finish line. It was an amazing feeling completing something that tough!!! I doubt we ever run another full marathon because it's so hard on our joints, but we plan to run many more halfs and maybe even a tri. I'm just glad I can actually say this quote that really helped me train for the marathon and that quote is: "There will be days you don't think you can run a marathon. There will be a lifetime of knowing you have."

Monday, October 13, 2008

Another great reason to eat your Banana!!!

More than a Banana a Day! Make sure you're getting enough of this muscle-helping mineral. Not up to your usual routine? Feeling Fatigued? Maybe you're not getting enough potassium. An essential dietary mineral and electrolyte, potassium is necessary for proper nerve, brain and muscle function. Although it's often asymptomatic, signs of low potassium include lethargy, decreased muscle strength, muscle spasms or pain, decreased tendon reflexes, constipation and fluid retention. If you're low on potassium, maybe you can't do as many reps or last as long on your cardio, or you feel weak and more fatigued.

The most common cause is poor diet, although excessive use of diuretics and laxatives, severe or chronic diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration and eating disorders often trigger hypokalemia as well. Don't get stuck behind the eight ball when it comes to getting enough of this nutrient. To meet the recommened daily allowance of 4,700 mg per day, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. See below for a few potassium all stars that you should incorporate in your diet:

Baked potato with skin~794 mg
Baked sweet potato~694 mg
1/4 cup tomato paste~664 mg
1/2 cup cooked beet greens~654 mg
1/2 cup canned white beans~595 mg
Other great choices are yogurt, legumes, spinach, fruit juices, fish & don't forget the banana!!!

Why would anyone want to go back to the 80's????

No this was not a Halloween party, it was an 80's party and what a fun night it was! I haven't laughed that much in a very long time! We were sitting around the fire and I was looking around and I really felt like I was back in junior high school again. It brought back some memories. Teased hair, Big shirts, Peg rolled pants, Over all bibs, lots of make up, bright colors, you name it! It was great listening to 80's music all night! Loved the music, not the style! It was fun going back to the 80's for the night.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'll Show you my mantle if you show me yours!!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

nu=3233>348>335>23243484265::ot1lsi.jpg"> My baby is going to be one! I can't believe how fast time flies! You don't even realize it fully until you have kids and see how fast they grow. I feel like it was just yesterday that I had her. Heck my 4 1/2 year old will start kindergarden next year! Where does the time go? It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and I have to remind myself that life IS short and I need to sit down and smell the flowers! I've been doing better in my super busy life, trying to remind myself that my girls are growing up fast and I need to spend quality time with them because before long they will be teens only wanting to hang with their friends. I took my girls to a playground a few weeks ago and this last week my daughters and I went and had lunch at a Chinese restaurant. It was quite fun. My daughter Kylee love egg drop soup and egg rolls. She wouldn't even share her egg drop soup. Let's remember to take time to enjoy life. When we're gone we will not be remembered by how clean and organized our house was. Take time to smell the roses!!!